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Alana Una

Counsellor Inner child healing 
            Soul messenger  Light Language Transmission
                          Breathwork Instructor Yogalap

                         Space holder  Plants Medicine realm

Welcome to you dear soul,

 The portal that we open is bound by the universal law connected to the unified field of love. 

During our session: YOU ARE THE HEALER


"Our only duty is to love deeply ourselves and to love the world fully, to  finally live in a world of pure HARMONY." Alana Una

Areas of Expertise

  • Counselling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Shamanic Shadow work
  • Shaking Medicine
  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Breathwork Instructor
  • Light language transmission
  • Sacred Plants Medicine therapy (mushroom, cacao, rapeh, iboga...)

Why did I choose this path? 

My Dharma : is to heal, all the wounded Childs of this world crossing my soul

It is natural for me to assist and guide people since I am a little girl. This was always my soul impulse to BE there for others. I am deeply passionate about "sharing, connecting & harmonizing". So the energy of those movement are flowing with ease in me and all around.
Discovering who we are and what we are here to do, was always a question to me as a child. So life brought answered me in a way of WONDER. So I could always fulfill my life with SENS. 

Also, because of my story as a child, I went through massive challenges and deep core wounds that assisted me to understand pain and fear in a really experimental way so I could guide other people through it. 
This is why I believe I've choose a difficult path & lineage to be born and be able to rebirth from it. Since i have healed deep wounds of my inner child i could access to authentic, embodied tools that are assisting me on my path of restoring our humanity in order to restore the Earth. 

We are all part of this huge ecosystem on Mother Earth and my soul mission as a generator, is to spread as much love/light as i can.

This is why I would like to invite you to embark on this journey with me, to feel safe and hold in such a holy way to access to those deep authentic experiences. Only trust is required, to get into this home space together. 

To come back into a safe cocoon like the caterpillar in order to become this amazing butterfly that you are inside. 

Are you ready to let go of what you think you are? 

To discover WHO YOU TRULY ARE? 



Contact Me

I am currently living in the south of France but i am also travelling the world each year, to be initiated to new ways of healing. 

You can always book a session with me or an online session on Zoom.

Thank you for your willingness.

Let's change the world together. 

Telegram : +336 88 63 84 17
Email :

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